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3 Diets We Love for Weight Loss

Diet detox super food selection in heart shaped porcelain bowls over distressed wooden background.

There are countless diets out there that claim to bring about weight loss – some good, some bad, some in-between. It can be hard to sift through all of them and know what would work best for you when you are finally ready to drop the weight. There are a few science-backed diets that we recommend to most of our patients that we have seen bring about weight loss success. At the end of the day though, we recommend that you choose a diet or meal plan that works best for your lifestyle and one that helps you stick to the calorie recommendations we provide you. 

Mediterranean Diet

This diet is based on the food choices of countries located along the mediterranean sea, hence the name Mediterranean Diet. This diet is full of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, chicken and fish. It even allows some flexibility for moderate alcohol consumption such as a glass of wine with dinner. 

Low Carb Diet

A low carb diet is often recommended for those just beginning their weight journey since it is a simple and straightforward method. This diet does not necessarily require you to count calories but to minimize the intake of sugary and starchy foods while increasing intake of lean protein and healthy fat. This diet recommends keeping total carbs for the day under 130 grams. 

Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a weight loss plan that advocates for low carb, very high fat, and moderate protein macronutrients. In some ways, keto is like Atkins, in that it calls for a low-carb lifestyle. Bacon cheeseburgers are acceptable but eating the bun it came with is not. Eating in this manner can force your body into a state called “ketosis,” which means your body is using fat as its main source of energy instead of carbs (as is the body’s normal state of operation).Each of these diets can be highly effective for weight loss. A few other diets we have reviewed include Atkins, Intermittent Fasting, Biggest Loser Diet, Jenny Craig, South Beach, and Weight Watchers. At your first appointment, your nurse practitioner will discuss your daily calorie recommendations and dieting options in detail. We also provide free meal plans based on your daily calorie goal.